Respiratory health


Turmeric and its compounds have antibacterial and antiviral effects on some of the microbes that cause upper respiratory infections. In addition, turmeric compounds have beneficial properties typically not found in conventional antimicrobial drugs. These can also help prevent and treat the flu, common cold, pneumonia, or sinusitis.

Turmeric proved especially effective at treating bronchitis. Turmeric helps in bronchitis because it especially helps in treating infections or diseases of the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems. It has alternative, carminative effects and also anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Since bronchitis causes inflammation of the lungs, the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin could also provide additional benefits. Experimental models found that turmeric’s volatile oil fraction has similar anti-inflammatory benefits as potent phenylbutazone and hydrocortisone drugs. Since it does not cause any side effects like these drugs, it is a safer alternative for long term usage.

Clinical trials conducted on turmeric root found that it offers an important adjuvant role in improving blocked airways for those with bronchitis, tropical eosinophilia, bronchial asthma and bronchiectasis.

In Ayurveda Turmeric is widely used as a cure for respiratory illnesses. In fact, it is called ‘Kaphahara’ where ‘Kapha’ refers to phlegmatic conditions and any cure for it is called ‘Kaphahara’. This is because turmeric contains anti-purulent (purulent is accumulation of pus that causes inflammation) and anti-inflammatory properties that are useful in treating bronchitis. A turmeric volatile oil is available as an oral drug and has been found very effective in treating bronchial asthma and cough. Turmeric can treat coughs of various etiologies like whooping cough or dyspnea.

Asthma is a common upper respiratory tract disease that affects many people. It is caused when mucous or phlegm gets trapped in the airways which passes air to the respiratory system. It makes breathing difficult and causes inflammation on the lining of lungs and the airways. Some symptoms include shortness of breath, chest tightness, coughing, wheezing, etc.

There is no cure for asthma, however there are many kitchen ingredients to control its intensity and frequency. Once of the ingredients is turmeric. Turmeric helps to give quick relief from asthma and its symptoms. Turmeric helps to dilate the blood vessels, which allows better air flow, restores normal breathing patterns, relaxes the muscle spasms, thins the blood and finally gives relief from the asthmatic inflammation causing swelling in the lungs and trouble breathing.